Khalis Kheer


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Kheer is the most famous sweet dish in the subcontinent of India. Based on the scripts of Ayurveda, the kheer recipe is one of the most ancient recipes of India. The kheer made up of rice is served to goddesses to show love and respect. It is known with different names in various parts of the country. The Romans have earlier used the kheer as a coolant for the stomach and as part of the detox diet.

Ways to make kheer recipe healthier

Some of the ways in which you can make the kheer healthy is use brown rice in the kheer instead of white rice. Some of the reasons why brown rice should be used are:

Brown rice is highly nutritious and is usually gluten free. It does not contain any cholesterol or trans-fat. It contains only traces of sodium and fat in them.

The following nutrients can be found in brown rice. Folate, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, selenium, and many more.

Brown rice should be thoroughly cleaned before cooking. The same thing should be done while using it in kheer. Even though brown rice takes more time to cook, it is still considered to be a healthier option when compared to white rice. Some people might not like the taste of brown rice but it is considered to be a healthy option for people who want to lose weight and bring back their sugar levels to normal.

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