Khalis Yogurt Pouch- 1Kg


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What Is Yogurt, Exactly?
  • Yogurt is basically fermented milk—milk that’s heated and mixed with two types of live bacteria, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. This is good bacteria, by the way, the probiotic kind that keeps our gut healthy.
  • The bacteria convert the sugar in milk, called lactose, to lactic acid. As this happens, the mixture sets and develops that characteristic tang.
  1. Yogurt provides almost every nutrient that your body needs. It is especially high in calcium, B vitamins and trace minerals.
  2. Yogurt, especially the Greek variety, is very high in protein. Protein is helpful for appetite and weight control.
  3. Some types of yogurt contain probiotics, which may boost digestive health by reducing the symptoms of common gastrointestinal disorders, such as bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
  4. Yogurt provides probiotics, vitamins and minerals, all of which may boost immune health and prevent certain illnesses.
  5. Yogurt is rich in vitamins and minerals that play a key role in bone health. Consuming it regularly may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  6. Regardless of its fat content, yogurt appears to benefit heart health by increasing “good” HDL cholesterol and reducing blood pressure.
  7. Yogurt is high in protein, which is very filling, and may improve your diet overall. Both of these aspects help with weight management.

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